Senegal lies on the western coast of Africa, above the equator, and brings in a consistent wave of tourism every year. Senegal has seen increasing modernization over the last decade which attracts Europeans and Americans alike. Specifically over the last few years its department of tourism has made efforts to attract visitors beyond France, which historically has sent the most tourists each year. It has done this by building luxury beachside resorts and promoting its native scenery more enthusiastically.

It is a relatively hot and dry country in a tropical climate with a lot of flora and fauna indigenous only to its terrain. The majority of people speak Wolof or French, a remnant of the colonial era that pervades the developing country today. Its largest city is its capital, and it brings in the most visitors every year.

Senegal’s attractions are partly those of the culture itself. It is a very welcoming culture wherein hospitality is considered nature. Group activities such as playing sports or music are highly valued, as is cooking and sharing meals within the community. The cuisine consists of fish, which is easily farmed off the Atlantic coast, and other meats like lamb and chicken, grains like rice, beans, and potatoes, and a medley or unique spices. The meal dubbed the national dish of Senegal is called thieboudienne and features fish with rice often accompanied by cassava and onions. Apart from meal time the population stays invigorated by playing football or wrestling.

Senegal offers many scenic tours and sights for the one-time check-listing tourist. Anyone seeking the iconic African experience will take any of many opportunities to survey the wildlife along a safari. Those preferring its historicity may take tours along Gorée Island which was a principal site of the slave trade, or travel to the old city of Saint-Louis where features of French colonial architecture still stand. Ecotourism is a developing facet, as Senegal increases efforts to preserve wildlife in sanctuaries and zoos. The impressive native wildlife includes elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, whales, and manatees.